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Implementation Update October 2023

The Safe, Clean Water Program funds stormwater initiatives that improve water quality, increase our local water supply, and provide community benefits, like green spaces and parks. The program cultivates regional and community partnerships and prioritizes historically underserved communities.

This newsletter provides important updates on the Regional, Municipal, and District Programs, designed to help our community stay informed and engaged. For further information on regional proposals, including those that are funded and under consideration, please visit our interactive portal. We remain dedicated to implementing and refining the Safe, Clean Water Program, continuously seeking input and feedback from our stakeholders. We value your opinions and welcome any comments or questions you may have. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Key Dates to Know


Regional Oversight Committee

The Regional Oversight Committee (ROC) will meet on October 26, 2023, from 1pm – 5pm. For more information, please visit the ROC webpage HERE.

Please save the date for all remaining ROC meetings related to the Progress Report:.

  • Draft Report Meeting: 10/26/2023, 1pm-5pm – Present/discuss the draft Progress Report & initiate public comment period.

Project Modification Guidelines

The Project Modification Guidelines are finalized. The purpose of this document is to provide more specific guidance to WASCs, applicants, recipients, and other interested stakeholders when modifications to a project, project concept or study are proposed during the course of a typical fiscal year.

The new Project Modification Request (PMR) form will facilitate a timely and transparent resolution of proposed modifications. The deadline to submit the PMR form for the current fiscal year has been extended to November 30, 2023. You may view the guidelines HERE.

The District plans to host a Project Modification Guidelines information session to help applicants and recipients. Please contact the Safe, Clean Water Program with any questions.

Public or Media Events

Any public or media event publicizing the accomplishments and/or results of
the Safe, Clean Water Program shall provide the opportunity for attendance and participation by District representatives with at least fourteen (14) days’ notice to the District.

Watershed Area Regional Program Progress (WARPP) Report

The WARPP Report is an annual report summarizing the progress and achievement of SCW Program Goals of each Watershed Area’s funded projects, scientific studies, and project concepts from the previous Board-approved Stormwater Investment Plan. You may view the reports from the 9 Watershed Areas HERE.

Bids and Opportunities

Developers and Municipalities can now provide  information on upcoming bid opportunities for SCW Regional and Municipal Program Projects and Studies. Please visit the SCW Portal HERE to stay informed.


Metrics and Monitoring Study

Metrics and Monitoring Study (MMS) Team is hosting a project briefing to provide the final update and results of the study and share the next steps.  The project briefing will be conducted twice with the same information presented to allow maximum opportunity for the public to attend the session that best suits their schedule.

MMS Session 1: Wednesday, October 11, 2023, from 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. You may view HERE. MMS Session 2: Wednesday, October 11, 2023, from 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. You may view HERE.


Municipal Program Annual Reports

Municipal annual progress/expenditure reports are due December 31st. These reports will cover activities conducted during a given fiscal year (July 1-June 30). Annual Reports for previous years are available HERE, and new reports will be posted as soon as possible.

FY23-24 Annual Plans

By April 1, 2023, every municipality had to submit an Annual Plan to the District. This plan is required by the Safe, Clean Water Program’s Municipal Program. The plan is a detailed document that explains the projects, programs, and activities that the municipality intends to carry out with the money they receive from the Safe, Clean Water Program’s revenue. Progress on implementing these plans is reported in the Municipal Program Annual Reports, described above.

Annual Plans received and confirmed complete by the District are posted on the Municipal Program page HERE.

Interested in tracking the Safe, Clean Water Program Watershed Coordination events happening in your community? Visit our SCWP engagement calendar or contact the SCWP Watershed Coordinators for more information.