Rio Hondo Watershed
Richard Watson
RWA Planning
Julie Millett
RWA Planning
Starting at San Gabriel Mountains, this watershed drains to the Rio Hondo, then to the LA River, and finally into the Pacific Ocean. The Rio Hondo watershed also includes the Arcadia Wash, Rubio Wash, Eaton Wash, and Santa Anita Wash. Ten of the cities within the watershed have a primary language other than English, including Spanish, Mandarin, and Cantonese.
Taking care of our water and natural world is vital, and is particularly complex within the urban environment in which we live. Rich (my dad and fellow watershed coordinator) is very experienced with technical stormwater issues, and I’m a people person who has learned a lot about water and the environment through our work. We make a great team. We appreciate getting to engage with the diverse communities of this Watershed Area, learn from them about their experiences with water, and share information with them. People get excited when they learn what impact we can make together.
– Your Watershed Coordinators Richard and Julie
Get in touch with Richard and Julie to learn about how we can create exciting water capture projects in your community.
From the Community
Watershed Area Steering Committee Members
Watershed committee members work with the watershed coordinators to develop investment plans for their watershed.
Julian Juarez
LA County Flood Control District
Tom Love
Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District
Kelly Gardner, Vice Chair
Main San Gabriel Basin Watermaster
Dave Pierce
LA County Sanitation Districts
Richard Yee
City of Pasadena Public Works
Thomas Wong
San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District
Jill Fosselman
Mark Hall
Greater LA County Vector Control District
Edward Belden
Daniel Rossman
The Wilderness Society
David Dolphin
Briget Arndell
Jalaine Verdiner
Los Angeles County
Gloria Crudgington
Sal Mendez
El Monte
Eddie Chan
Richard Watson
RWA Planning
Upcoming Events
Events and meetings related to the Rio Hondo watershed.
Documents, facts sheets, links, and more related to the Rio Hondo watershed.