Upper Los Angeles River Watershed
Alonso Garcia
Council for Watershed Health
Kristina Kreter
Council for Watershed Health
Adi Liberman
Environmental Outreach Strategies, Inc
Although this watershed includes many urbanized areas, it has a surprising amount of biodiversity including hundreds of species of native plants, fish, insects, birds, and mammals. The vast aquifers and soil type of this watershed allows for a range of possibilities to increase water supply and improve stormwater quality. This watershed is also one of the most economically diverse in the LA Basin.
Meaningful engagement with the Upper LA River Watershed communities is key to effective stormwater management. As Watershed Coordinators, we connect communities, organizations and interested parties with the Safe Clean Water Program. Together we help advance multi-benefit projects that align community needs with Safe Clean Water Program Goals.
– Your Watershed Coordinators Alonso, Kristina, and Adi
Get in touch with any of the watershed coordinators to learn about how we can create exciting water capture projects in your community.
From the Community
Watershed Area Steering Committee Members
Watershed committee members work with the watershed coordinators to develop investment plans for their watershed.
Karo Torossian
City of Los Angeles
Ernesto Rivera
LA County Flood Control District
Art Castro
LA Department of Water and Power
John Huynh
LA Department of Water and Power
Ida Meisami-Fard
LA Sanitation & Environment
Cathie Santo Domingo
LA Recreation & Parks
Ernesto Pantoja
Laborers Local 300
Miguel Luna
Urban Semillas
Veronica Padilla-Campos
Pacoima Beautiful
Kris Markarian
City of Pasadena
Ted Gerber
South Pasadena
Rafael Prieto
City of Los Angeles
Thuan Nguyen
Los Angeles County
Edith de Guzman
University of California, Los Angeles
Kenneth Jones
City of San Fernando
Adi Liberman
Environmental Outreach Strategies
Kristina Kreter
Council for Watershed Health
Alonso Garcia
Council for Watershed Health
Upcoming Events
Events and meetings related to the Upper Los Angeles River watershed.
Documents, facts sheets, links, and more related to the Upper Los Angeles River watershed.
SIP Upper Los Angeles River FY24-25
ULAR FY 2024-2025 SOEP
UPPER LOS ANGELES RIVER WATERSHED AREA Strategic Outreach and Engagement Plan (SOEP) FY2024-2025
SIP Upper Los Angeles River FY23-24
ULAR FY 2023-2024 SOEP
UPPER LOS ANGELES RIVER WATERSHED AREA Strategic Outreach and Engagement Plan (SOEP) FY2023-2024