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LA County Watersheds

A watershed is an area of land where water falls, flows, and filters into natural or manmade systems like streams and stormwater drains before entering a common outlet like a lake, river, bay, or ocean. 

As you can imagine, the natural and urban environment within a watershed can vary widely from densely populated, mostly paved neighborhoods to mountainous and highly porous regions. Thus, the Program must take into consideration the unique circumstances and challenges of a watershed when determining which projects receive funding. To support in this effort, the Safe, Clean Water Program has dedicated a coordinator and committee for each watershed. 

The Program has also created the Spatial Data Library, which is a collection of public resources relevant to the Program. You can use this library to explore the interconnected, dynamic relationships at play within your watershed. The library can be used for communication, project proposals, decision support, and more. 

What's a watershed coordinator?

Watershed coordinators are here to support from project idea to implementation and beyond. Their role is to support project proponents, educate and build capacity in watershed areas, and facilitate community engagement with the Safe, Clean Water Program. 

Use the tool at the bottom of the page to find your watershed and contact your coordinator!

The Program recognizes nine watersheds areas in LA County:

Find Your

Whether you are curious to see what’s happening in your area or have a great idea for an infrastructure project, identifying your watershed is a great place to start.

Find watershed by address