Tax Lookup and Appeals Tool
Determine your parcel tax and request appeal
The Safe, Clean Water Program is funded by a tax on private properties that contribute to stormwater pollution. The Program helps property owners understand how they are taxed, how they can become eligible for exemptions, reductions, or credits, and how they can appeal.
The tax is calculated for each applicable parcel based upon the parcel’s impermeable area (think buildings, roofs, driveways, sidewalks, sheds, and pools) as determined by the County Landcover Survey (or other applicable tool). The Board of Supervisors will periodically initiate an update to the County Landcover Survey.
The chief engineer may periodically re-evaluate the characteristics of parcels to ensure accuracy of tax calculations.
Property owners who demonstrate stormwater improvements that result in water quality benefits, water supply benefits, and community investment benefits are eligible for the credit program.
A Credit Trading Program (CTP) is currently in development and proposed to be available for eligible property owners to purchase and sell credits to satisfy special parcel tax obligations. Credits earned from demonstrating stormwater improvements but not applied in the Credit Program will be eligible for trading.
The Safe, Clean Water Program will be hosting a workshop this Fall to provide an overview and developments on the CTP:
Stakeholder Meeting #4
Wednesday, 10/30/24, 10:00am-12:00pm
Video Conference Guidelines
Options for exemption:
Low-income senior property owners may apply annually for an exemption from this special parcel tax. In order to qualify, the applicant must be 62 years of age or older, reside in a single-family residence, be the sole maintainer of the home, and qualify as a low-income household, as determined annually by the California Department of Housing and Community Development.
Parcels that are exempt from ad valorem property taxes are also exempt from this special parcel tax. This includes qualifying non-profit organizations and other exempt properties. This exemption will be automatically applied to the tax bill with no action required of the property owner.
Options for reduction:
Through the General Income-based Tax Reduction Program, very low-income and extremely low-income household parcel owners may receive a reduction from the special parcel tax. Qualified households will receive a reduction percentage based on the household income and number of persons in the household.
Property owners who believe their tax has been calculated incorrectly can file an appeal with the LA County Flood Control District on the following grounds:
Property owners may submit appeals through the online appeals tool.
Determine your parcel tax and request appeal
Overview of the Safe, Clean Water special parcel tax and it's exemptions
Overview of the Safe, Clean Water special parcel tax low-income senior exemption and requirements
Overview of the Safe, Clean Water special parcel tax general income-based tax reduction and requirements