Make it clean, make it green, make it for everyone
The Safe, Clean Water Program funds stormwater initiatives that improve water quality , increase our local water supply , and provide community benefits , like green spaces and parks .
Our Impact
The Safe, Clean Water Program is making an impact across LA County.
What We Do
We don’t just fund stormwater infrastructure, research, and education. We also collaborate with cities, community organizations, and individuals to get the most out of the resources we have available.
You know your zip code, but do you know your watershed? Our county is divided up into areas based on the natural flow of water. Find yours, and meet the people bringing Safe, Clean Water to your community.
Sign Up for Updates
If you can’t find an answer to your question, email us at SafeCleanWaterLA@pw.lacounty.gov or call our hotline at 1-833-ASK-SCWP (1-833-275-7297).