Implementation of numerous Safe, Clean Water Program components continues to advance thanks to the ongoing involvement of countless stakeholders like you.
In this update:
– Update on the Regional Program Stormwater Investment Plans
– Update on the Regional Program Committee Meetings
– Update on the Regional Program Call for Projects FY 2021-22
– Release of the Safe, Clean Water Program Dashboard Portal
– Municipal Program Fund Transfer Agreements and Annual Plans Due
Your continued involvement is essential in maximizing the success of this program. Please let us know what you’d like to see in these updates going forward and anything else you think we should know. Our email and phone contact information can be found at the bottom of this update.
Program Updates
Update on the Regional Program Stormwater Investment Plans: The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors is expected to consider the FY 2020-21 Recommended Regional Program Stormwater Investments Plans (SIPs) for the Safe, Clean Water Program by mid-October. The final recommended SIPs can be found HERE.
Upon approval of the SIPs, Transfer Agreements for the Infrastructure Program and Scientific Studies will be prepared and distributed to the recipients, and Technical Resources Program recipients will be contacted by the District. Please note that certain requirements associated with the Transfer Agreement may affect the timing of execution and transfer of funds. The template Regional Program fund Transfer Agreement is available and can be found HERE.
Update on the Regional Program Committee Meetings: The governance committees will reconvene end of October/early November to kick start FY 2021-22. In addition to the development of the FY 2021-22 SIPs, Watershed Area Steering Committees (WASCs) will interview their Watershed Coordinator(s) at a WASCs meeting later this year.
Update on Regional Program Call for Projects FY 2021-22: The Regional Program Call for Projects remains open through October 15, 2020. Updates to the application forms in the Projects Module have been made. It is important to review each form and fields carefully and ensure completeness prior to submitting your application(s).
Details regarding the Call for Projects and recordings from the recent Call for Projects Informational Sessions can be found on our website HERE.
Release of the Safe, Clean Water Program Dashboard Portal: To track progress, quantify benefits, account for expenditures and ensure transparency, the Safe, Clean Water Program Dashboard Portal, which consists of Map, Dashboard, and Reporting Module, has been developed. Features include but no limited to:
– Overview of funded projects/studies and project applications currently under consideration
– Summary of multiple benefits
– Map with search box
– Project filters and layers (jurisdiction, program, funding year, status, cost, etc.)
Map and Dashboard are now available HERE, and the Reporting Module is coming soon.
Municipal Program Fund Transfer Agreements and Annual Plans Due: Each Municipality must submit an Annual Plan and execute a fund Transfer Agreement (TA) with the District to receive their portion of the Municipal Program revenue. Please submit your Annual Plan and executed TA to our dedicated email at District requests that each city include a PDF copy of the resolution or other authorizations to execute the TA, from their respective City Councils or other authorized party as appropriate, along with the signed TA.
The District – Safe, Clean Water Program Team