Public Education and Community Engagement Grants Program – NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS!

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FY 2023-24 Projects

Stormwater Investment Plans

The Regional Program Governance Committees have been working diligently and meeting regularly to score or review submissions, discuss regional priorities, and have begun drafting recommended Stormwater Investment Plans (SIPs); 5-year plans identifying first year budgets along with 4-years of projections for each of the nine Safe, Clean Water (SCW) Program Watershed Areas. The Watershed Area Steering Committees (WASC) recommend the following Stormwater Investment Plans:

Fiscal Year 2023-2024

Upon approval of the SIP by each respective WASC, the SIP transmittals will then be considered and approved by the Regional Oversight Committee during upcoming meetings.

Safe, Clean Water Program Portal

To track progress, quantify benefits, account for expenditures and ensure transparency, the Safe, Clean Water Program Portal, which consists of Map, Dashboard, and Reporting Module, has been developed.  Features include but not limited to:

  • Overview of funded projects/studies and project applications currently under consideration
  • Summary of multiple benefits
  • Map with search box
  • Project filters and layers (jurisdiction, program, funding year, status, cost, etc.)

Map, Dashboard, Reporting Module, and SIP Tool are available HERE.

Note: Internet Explorer not supported. Please visit the SCW Portal through a supported browser for the best user experience (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari).

Previous SIPs


