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Meeting Guidelines

On October 17, 2022, the Governor announced the COVID-19 State of Emergency would end on February 28, 2023, thereby withdrawing the exceptions to the teleconference requirements provided in Assembly Bill (AB) 361. Beginning March 1, 2023, all meetings must have the legislative body either be in-person attendance subject to compliance with the Brown Act’s traditional requirements or modified Brown Act’s teleconferencing requirements under AB 2449. AB 2449 allows for committee members with “just cause” or “emergency circumstances” to meet virtually without being present at the physical location where quorum is established. Per AB 2449, committee members do not have to identify the teleconference location in the notice, post the agenda at the virtual location, or make the teleconference location accessible to the public. However, at least a quorum of the members of the legislative body must in person at a singular physical location clearly identified on the agenda that is open to the public and situated within the committee’s watershed area.

Traditional Brown Act Provisions

The Ralph M. Brown Act, requires that all meetings of a legislative body of a local agency be open and publicly accessible. The act allows for meetings to occur via teleconferencing subject to requirements under AB 361.

  • Notice of each teleconference location committee members attend to be on the agenda.
  • Agenda must be posted at each teleconference location.
  • Each teleconference location must be accessible to the public during the meeting.
  • Members of the public must have the opportunity to address the committee and provide public comment at each teleconference location.
  • All votes taken during the meeting must be by roll call.

AB 361

Modified Brown Act Provisions

AB 2449 revises the teleconferencing provisions in the Brown Act, authorizing the committee to use teleconferencing without complying with the teleconferencing requirements that each teleconference location be identified in the notice and agenda; and that each teleconference location be accessible to the public. Under this exception, AB 2449 authorizes a committee member to participate remotely under specified circumstances, including participating remotely for just cause or due to emergency circumstances. AB 2449 will expire on January 1, 2026.

  • Committee member must submit a disclosure of “just cause.”
  • Committee member must participate remotely by audio and video.
  • May not participate remotely under “just cause” more than two meetings within a calendar year.
  • And may not participate remotely for any reason for more than three consecutive months or for 20 percent of the regular meetings within a calendar year.
  • Quorum must participate in the meeting from a single physical location.

AB 2449

Rules of Conduct

The Safe, Clean Water Program has prepared the following rules of conduct fact sheet for use during committee meetings, adapted from Robert’s Rules of Order. The purpose of these rules for conduct at meetings is to allow every committee member to be heard and to enable the committee to make decisions without confusion.

SCWP Committee Rules of Conduct Fact Sheet

Expectations of the Chair

Video Conference Guidelines

The District continues to adapt to these unprecedented circumstances that all of us are facing together and remains committed to actively take measures to serve the public in a safe and responsible manner. During this time, we are working diligently to prepare and utilize new resources to implement numerous Safe, Clean Water Program components. We want to sincerely thank you for your continued support and involvement in this Program.

When possible, the District has set up virtual online meetings for WASC, ROC, and SC meetings. The specific committee pages have meetings dates and times, as well as links and call-in numbers to access the meetings.

The following guidance document contains instructions for creating an account, logging in, and joining a meeting. Also included are protocols for the meeting, video conference etiquette, how to overcome technical difficulties and how to contact us.

Video Conference Guidelines

Governance Committee Meetings Recordings Policy

Online Comment Card

Phone participants and the public are encouraged to submit public comments (or a request to make a public comment) to prior to the meeting. Please use the Comment Card for instructions.

Comment Card Form


Accommodations to assist persons with disabilities are available if requested at least three business days prior to the Committee Meeting. Late requests will be accommodated to the extent feasible. Requests for accommodations may be made to: or by telephone, to 833-ASK-SCWP.