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July 30 Board Meeting Results

At the County Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday, July 30, the board took two key actions related to the Safe, Clean Water Program:

  1. Introduced an Implementation Ordinance for the Safe, Clean Water Program
  2. Appointed committee members to the 9 Watershed Area Steering Committees, Scoring Committee, and Regional Oversight Committee

Supplemental program documents, which establish further details and guidance for specific components of the program, are under development. Per the Implementation Ordinance, supplemental documents are to be adopted by the Chief Engineer of the LA County Flood Control District after a 30-day notice period. This notice period is anticipated to begin on August 6, 2019 for the following documents:

Stakeholders and the public will be notified when the public notice period officially begins for these documents.

Additional documents will be developed for other elements of the Program – including credit trading, workforce development, community engagement, fund transfer agreements, and additional income-based tax reduction – in the coming months. There will be opportunities for additional stakeholder engagement in the development of each aspect, and we will continue to keep you apprised of such opportunities.