Public Education and Community Engagement Grants Program – NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS!

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Implementation Update May 2023

This newsletter provides important updates on the Regional, Municipal, and District Programs, designed to help our community stay informed and engaged. For further information on regional proposals, including those that are funded and under consideration, please visit our interactive portal.

We remain dedicated to implementing and refining the Safe, Clean Water Program, continuously seeking input and feedback from our stakeholders. We value your opinions and welcome any comments or questions you may have. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Key Dates to Know:



We are pleased to announce that the official groundbreaking ceremony for the City of Los Angeles’ Ballona Creek Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Project took place on Thursday, April 13, 2023. This vital water quality improvement project, funded by the Safe, Clean Water Program, is a regional project with significant environmental and social benefits. Detailed information about this project can be found on the SCW Portal. We encourage you to explore the portal and learn more about this and other exciting multi-benefit projects.

The District is committed to sharing project highlights with our community. If you are a project developer, we urge you to involve the District and your Watershed Coordinator in the early stages of planning for any upcoming groundbreaking or ribbon-cutting ceremonies. This collaboration will help all of us best showcase our region’s accomplishments and plans. Thank you for your continued partnership as we work together to safeguard the health of our watersheds.


On April 20, the Regional Oversight Committee reviewed and advanced all nine SIPs to the Board of Supervisors for their approval. Final recommended funding scenarios can be viewed on the SIP Tool. Details of the SIP transmittals are posted on the SCW website HERE.

  • Appointments for Watershed Area Steering Committee (WASC) Community Stakeholder members, Scoring Committee (SC) members, and Regional Oversight Committee (ROC) members coming up this fall. Community Stakeholder seats in all 9 WASCs are up for reappointment in the fall. Minimum requirements for At large, Environmental, Business and Environmental Justice community stakeholder seats may be found in the SCWP WASC Operating Guidelines.
  • All Scoring Committee seats are up for reappointment in the fall. Minimum requirements for serving on the committee may be found in the SCWP SC Operating Guidelines.
  • All ROC seats are up for reappointment in the fall. Minimum requirements for serving on the committee may be found in the SCWP ROC Operating Guidelines.

To submit your interest to serve, please complete a form HERE and send an email to Existing members that wish to remain involved do not need to submit a new interest form to be considered for another term. However, if planning to step down, please notify the District ASAP.

Call For Projects FY 24-25

Call for Projects deadline is July 31, 2023. You may apply for funding HERE. Info Sessions are scheduled for May 24th 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm; and May 25th 10:00 am – 12:00 pm.

A letter for conceptual approval from Los Angeles County Flood Control District is required for projects involving LACFCD infrastructure, facilities, or right-of-way. See map HERE for watershed area boundaries and contact information. The deadline to request a letter for conceptual approval from LACFCD is May 31, 2023.

Governance Committee Meetings

All meetings must comply with the Brown Act’s traditional teleconferencing requirements or comply with the Brown Act’s new teleconferencing requirements under Assembly Bill 2449.  The District expects committee members to participate in person and will also continue to make hybrid participation available for the public.

Return to In-Person-Meetings FAQs



Please note that a virtual public stakeholder workshop hosted by the Safe, Clean Water Program (SCWP) Metrics and Monitoring Study (MMS) Team will occur on Tuesday, May 23, 2023, from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm. A zoom link to this meeting is available on the MMS webpage HERE.

This workshop will gather feedback from municipalities participating in the Safe, Clean Water Program on two specific topics: the implementation of the Municipal Program and the benefits realized by municipalities from the Regional Program. Other key stakeholders and members of the public are also welcome to attend.

As a reminder, the MMS will help develop program metrics and monitoring criteria through broad stakeholder involvement and extensive technical research and modeling. An MMS Fact Sheet and Q&A from the first two public workshops are available HERE

The study is scheduled to conclude in late 2023.


The District has updated the reporting timeline which provides key dates for reports pertaining to the District, Municipal, and Regional Programs. It can be viewed HERE.



Municipal annual progress/expenditure reports are due December 31st of the following year for activities conducted between July 1-June 30. Annual Reports for previous years are available HERE, and new reports will be posted as soon as possible.


By April 1, 2023, every municipality had to submit an Annual Plan to the District. This plan is required by the Safe, Clean Water Program’s Municipal Program. The plan is a detailed document that explains the projects, programs, and activities that the municipality intends to carry out with the money they receive from the Safe, Clean Water Program’s revenue. Progress on implementing these plans is reported in the Municipal Program Annual Reports, described above.

Annual Plans received and confirmed complete by the District are posted on the Municipal Program page HERE.