Public Education and Community Engagement Grants Program – NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS!

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Implementation Update December 2024

The Safe, Clean Water Program funds stormwater initiatives that improve water quality, increase our local water supply, and provide community benefits, like green spaces and parks. The program cultivates regional and community partnerships and prioritizes historically underserved communities.

This newsletter provides important updates designed to help you stay informed and engaged. For further information on regional proposals, including those that are funded and under consideration, please visit our projects webpage.

Your input and feedback are crucial to the collaborative, effective, and adaptive management of the SCW Program. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Key Dates to Know:

Adaptive Management

Watershed Planning

The Watershed Planning Framework, which describes the SCW Program Water Planning process, current progress, and key elements of the Initial Watershed Plan and online Planning Tools, is now available.  The Community Strengths & Needs Assessment (CSNA) Survey is also live and ready to gather feedback from communities served by the SCW Program.  You can find the Framework, Fact Sheet, CSNA Survey, and FAQs on the SCW Program website under Adaptive Management – Safe Clean Water LA.

Watershed Planning will result in development of Initial Watershed Plans for each of the nine SCWP Watershed Areas.  These plans will set specific targets, priorities, and strategies for each Watershed Area to guide future investments and help achieve the goals of the SCW Program.  The Initial Watershed Plans will focus on identifying key needs and the best opportunities for impactful projects for each Watershed Area, while also supporting the County’s vision for sustainable and equitable water solutions. Initial Watershed Plans are anticipated midyear 2025.

For questions regarding the ongoing Watershed Planning efforts, please email              

Regional Program

Stormwater Investment Plans (SIP)

On October 22, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors awarded $147.5 million in SCW Program funding for continuing projects, along with 13 new infrastructure projects, 10 new scientific studies, 4 new feasibility studies, and 12 renewed contracts for dedicated watershed coordinators to continue liaising with communities and agencies to best increase the region’s water resiliency through multi-benefit projects. The Regional Program governance committees, consisting of the nine Watershed Area Steering Committees (WASCs), the Scoring Committee, and the Regional Oversight Committee (ROC), held 66 public meetings to select projects, project concepts, and scientific studies included in the recommended SIPs that were ultimately presented to the Board. These SIPs represent the fifth year of Regional Program implementation.

The suite of 137 approved Infrastructure Program Projects (new and continuing) represents over $1.6 billion in investments and include the Regional Program’s current revenue forecasts and projected budget allocation through FY28-29 and will:

  • Capture stormwater from over 276,262 acres
  • Provide an increase in annual average stormwater capture of 60,364 acre-feet
  • Remove 54 acres of impervious area
  • Reduce numerous pollutants and prioritize MS4 compliance
  • Leverage nearly $622M in other funding
  • Invest nearly $755M in projects benefiting Disadvantaged Communities
  • Be implemented across 52 Municipalities

You may view the adopted Board Letter HERE.

Reporting Timeline

The Regional Program Reporting Timeline transitioned from quarterly to semi-annual submittals. Project and Scientific Study Developers are required to submit Quarterly Reports up to FY23-24 and Mid-Year Reports starting FY24-25.

Please note the following due dates for upcoming Regional Program Reports:

  • FY23-24 Annual Report (covering expenditures and progress between July 2023 and June 2024) is due on December 31, 2024.
  • FY24-25 Mid-Year Report (covering expenditures and progress between July 2024 and December 2024) is due on February 15, 2025.
  • FY24-25 Annual Report (covering expenditures and progress between July 2024 and June 2025) is due on August 15, 2025.

The Reporting Module will be updated in early January to include Mid-Year Reports and a new Metrics and Measures section.  Please stay tuned for more details.

Regional Oversight Committee

The ROC conducts regular meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. During the meeting on Wednesday, November 13, 2024, the ROC discussed Regional Program efforts. The next meeting will occur on Wednesday, December 11, 2024, at 1:00PM and will discuss Watershed Planning efforts, LA County Water Plan, and Interconnectivity of Initiatives. All are welcome to join virtually or in-person at LA Sanitation Media Center. Additional meeting details will be posted on the ROC events webpage as they become available.

The ROC members are looking to host their meetings at various locations across Los Angeles County. If your agency or municipality is interested in hosting a meeting, please contact the Regional Oversight Committee Executive Clerk at to discuss the logistics.       

Municipal Program

Renewal of Municipal Transfer Agreements

The SCW Program recently updated the Reporting Module to streamline the renewal process for Municipal Transfer Agreements (TAs). Annual Municipal Program disbursements are in progress and should be completed this month provided the municipality has met all their eligibility requirements.   

District Program

Public Education and Community Engagement Grants Program – NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS

The LA County Flood Control District is partnering with the Water Foundation to administer the SCW Program Public Education and Community Engagement Grants Program. The program will support education and community engagement efforts related to stormwater and urban runoff capture within the LA County Flood Control District. Applicants may submit proposals from now until May 31, 2025. Proposals will be evaluated and awarded on a rolling basis.

For more information and to submit an application, visit the Water Foundation’s website.  We encourage all eligible parties to apply for funding!

Interested in tracking the Safe, Clean Water Program Watershed Coordination events happening in your community? Check out the new website calendar feature to find events near you.